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Accessories for AeroFlow electric radiators
Discover Thermotec electric radiators at e24 and find the right model for your home.
Flexible accessories for mobile use throughout your entire home
Secure stands (legs) as accessory - individual application possibilities
There are two different types of additional stands (legs) for AeroFlow electric radiators: screw-on and non screw-on stands (legs).
The set of screw-on stands allows AeroFlow electric radiators to be mounted to the floor. The practical plastic cover for the metal stands (legs) prevents swaying and guarantees the stable footing of electric heaters. This set of accessories is especially suitable for spaces where wall mounting is not possible.
The stand set for AeroFlow electric radiators is not mounted to the floor so it enables the appliance to be moved around the room. In this way, you use your electric radiator wherever heat is needed. In spring and summer, you can put away your AeroFlow electric radiator which uses the stand accessories and store it until autumn, thus saving space.